male breast

Breast Reduction In Men

In some cases, there is a permanent breast formation after men also called gynecomastia or man boobs. In addition to puberty, obesity, massive weight loss, underlying hormonal disorders and medication use are the main causes of breast cancer in men. Therefore, it must first be examined in consultation with the endocrinologist whether there is an underlying cause.

Once all reversible causes are excluded, and surgery is the only solution, the circumference of the chest can be improved. Also Read: Before you buy Gynectrol, read reviews and compare alternatives here.


If there is only a limited breast setting, liposuction of the excess breast tissue may be sufficient. This is a relatively simple procedure without visible scars. For this, it must first be determined whether there is not too much hard glandular tissue, but rather greasy setting. If this is not clear on examination, an ultrasound can help


With more pronounced forms, excess breast tissue is removed via a crescent-shaped incision at the edge of the areola. The hard glandular tissue, although much larger than the length of the scar, can be removed here little by little. This scar is almost invisible. This technique can be combined with liposuction, because most gynecomastia is a combination of hard glandular tissue behind the nipple, with more fatty tissue to the edges of the breast.


With a really large breast, it may be that a skin surplus must also be removed. A scar must be made around the entire areola so that the excess skin can also be removed. Even after massive weight loss, there is too much excess skin to work away from the nipple alone. This is then removed along the fold at the bottom of the breast so that the scar is in the least visible position.

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