Breast enlargement

Physical Exercise for Firm Breasts

Then we arrived at the last part of this ‘course’ to turn your breasts back to how they were when you were just a teenager. Physical exercise is very important in general.

Yet there are certain exercises that are specifically aimed at the tissue in the breasts and the muscles around the breasts. The most recommended Topic…

Butterfly on the weight bench

Lie on your back on the weight bench and stretch your arms in line with your breasts. Keep your elbows slightly bent and lower your arms until they are horizontal, parallel to the ground. Hold this posture for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. You can make the exercise heavier by holding a weight in each hand.

Butterfly standing

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Your arms should hang along your body. Lift your arms up towards your chest and then lower them to the starting position. In these exercises, you can also use weights to make the exercise heavier.

Try to include more nutrients in your diet, especially calcium, vitamins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and minerals.

Butterfly Sitting

Butterfly sitting is one of the best exercises to give your breast a firmer look. It helps to stimulate the blood circulation in the breast area ultimately providing essential nutrition to your breast cells. This helps to boost the breast size and give your breast a new charming look.

Chest size

Sit on a chair. Make sure the chair provides good support for your back and keep your back straight. Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Hold a weight in each hand and let your arms hang around your body.

Lift your arms at the level of your shoulder. Then count to ten and lower your arms again. You can vary in this exercise by lifting your arms straight forward one time and then moving sideways.

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